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Standard Lesson Quarterly


Standard Lesson Quarterly

Using the best-selling commentary—a Sunday school class or Bible study group will be ready to explore the Scripture text in a way that meets the needs of all kinds of learning styles. Available in both the Standard Lesson Commentary ® (annual) and the Standard Lesson Quarterly® (quarterly) formats.

The Standard Lesson line covers four 13-week topical studies each year. These are built around themes created within the ISSL/Uniform Series. The International Sunday School Lessons (ISSL)/Uniform Series is a 6-year plan for reading and studying the entire Bible.

Designed to take students into every part of Scripture, the Uniform Series pulls at least one lesson from nearly every book of the Bible over the 6-year cycle, following 8 specific themes. This more holistic study of the Bible helps students know the content of the Bible, understand the message of the Bible, and know the God of the Bible.


The Teacher Guide (available in regular and large print) provides:
~Printed Bible text for each lesson
~Reliable verse-by-verse commentary on the text
~Discussion questions with talking points
~Verbal illustrations to bring the commentary to life
~Lesson plans with learning activities
~Daily Bible reading plan to prepare heart and mind for the upcoming lesson
~Pronunciation guide for difficult words
~Free reproducible student activity pages and other helpful resources for each lesson at

The Student Book (available in regular and large print) provides:
~Printed Bible text for each lesson
~Condensed commentary on the text—consistent with the teacher’s commentary
~Learning activities that coincide with the lesson plans in the teacher guide
~Daily Bible reading plan to prepare heart and mind for the upcoming lesson

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