OFWB Community Magazine (2017)
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A Bundle Subscription is a package of 6 or more copies of each bi-monthly issue of the magazine that is shipped to one
individual, who, in turn, passes them out to the individual subscribers.
The church or group is billed YEARLY. Be sure to include your Customer ID Number.
If you are unsure of your number, we will contact you if we have any questions.
A Bundle Subscription is a package of 6 or more copies of each bi-monthly issue of the magazine that is shipped to one
individual, who, in turn, passes them out to the individual subscribers.
The church or group is billed YEARLY. Be sure to include your Customer ID Number.
If you are unsure of your number, we will contact you if we have any questions.
A Bundle Subscription is a package of 6 or more copies of each bi-monthly issue of the magazine that is shipped to one
individual, who, in turn, passes them out to the individual subscribers.
The church or group is billed YEARLY. Be sure to include your Customer ID Number.
If you are unsure of your number, we will contact you if we have any questions.

OFWB Ministries

OFWB Retirement Homes Ministry Rev. Keith Phillips, Interim Director director@ofwbretirementhomes.org P.O. Box 39, Ayden, NC 28513 (252) 746-4963 Fax (252) 746-8780

Church Planting & Renewal Rev. Dr. Dustin Bannister, Director 201 W. James St., Mount Olive, NC 28365 (919) 299-4553

Church Finance Association Rev. Donald Fader, Director dfader@smchf.com P.O. Box 1396, Kinston, NC 28503-1396 (252) 523-5800 Fax 1-888-411-9326
OFWB Auxiliary Ministries & Committees

Ministerial Association Rev. Stephen Prescott, President (919) 980-2922 smprescott110@gmail.com

Chaplain’s Commission Rev. Mark Hobbs, Chairman mydogwags@gmail.com (919) 607-3002

Historical Commission Rev. Dr. Alan Lamm, Chairman alanklamm@yahoo.com (252) 566-8319