The Bible speaks to us, but the Psalms speak for us.
I put several bird feeders out each year. I love to watch the birds come and eat. Each morning I enjoy hearing them wake up and start moving around, and then you will see them coming for breakfast. I have bluebirds, redbirds, and sparrows. Despite my care for them, they are afraid of me. When I approach, they fly away. They do not know that I provide for them. Some people are like that with God. They run from Him. Psalm 65:11 says, “God loves us and richly provides for us.” A preacher once said, “Nothing is more powerful to engage our affection than to find that we are loved by one who is altogether lovely.” God’s love is perfect, and He never takes His eyes off us.
Do not let the stresses of the day steal your Psalm.
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Wonderfully said! Sandy White