Interview by Dr. John Hill, Editor
The Convention of OFWB have identified January as Retirement Home's Month. During this month congregations and ministers are asked to take an offering, provide information, or invite a speaker to your church event. This month, I want to spotlight our director of Retirement Homes Ministry with a few and out of the's Keith Philips

What inspired you to join or lead this ministry, and how has your journey in faith shaped your leadership?
Prior to becoming the director, I served as a board member. When the director, Rev. Ronnie Taylor, passed away, I approached our chairman and offered to step in temporarily, as I lived closest to the Retirement Homes office. As a Board of Directors, we were not involved in the day-to-day operations of the ministry; we simply trusted that Brother Ronnie would ensure the work was accomplished.
During that interim period, I was encouraged to consider the role of Executive Director. After advertising the position and receiving limited interest, I decided to accept the role and embark on the journey of learning about this ministry and how to lead it into the future.
As for my faith and how it has shaped my leadership, I rely on trusting God to provide. Whenever we face a shortage of equipment or resources, I pray and ask the Lord to intervene—and He consistently provides, exceeding our expectations and blessing us far beyond what we deserve.
What’s one scripture that has been a guiding principle for you in your ministry work? Why is it so significant to you?
Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.” I am not a classically trained minister. I don’t have a seminary degree, I didn’t graduate from a “preaching” school, nor am I an alumnus of the University of Mount Olive. I was an ECU transplant. I graduated from East Carolina with a degree in Physical Education and I was a teacher at Chicod Elementary when I answered the call to ministry.
I learn by watching. I learned most of my ministerial skills from my mentor and pastor, The Reverend David Langley, while I served as a deacon at Winterville OFWB Church. I developed a system of sermon writing by using the skills I learned as a schoolteacher. I listened to Dr. David Jeremiah on the radio and learned from Him. I took the required classes that the ordaining council required in the Central Conference to be an Ordained minister.

What is the most rewarding aspect of your ministry, and what keeps you motivated on difficult days?
Ministry is ministry whether you are pastoring a church, leading a denominational entity, or calling balls and strikes in the North Carolina State Softball Championship. Ministry is conveying the Love of God to the people of this world and hoping to find a way to guide them into the gospel and saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The most rewarding aspect of ministry for me is opportunity. Every day is a new opportunity to do good for the Lord, to meet His people where they are, to love them when they hurt, or celebrate with them when they are joyous. The rewarding part of ministry is making someone’s day better.
I stay motivated on the difficult days because of what the scripture says we are to do. Luke 9:62 “And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”
We don’t get to quit! We can’t just give up when times get hard! Who is going to reach the lost world if the ministers of the gospel just throw their hands up and turn away?
What do you see as the biggest challenge facing your ministry today, and how are you addressing it?
The biggest challenge for the Retirement Homes Ministry isn’t financial, it isn’t the availability of equipment, nor is it for a lack of clients. It is publicity. Very few church members in our Original Free Will Baptist churches even know who we are or what we do.
I will not speculate as to why that is, but as the Pastor of Grimsley OFWB Church, I encourage my congregation to know and support all of our denominational ministries. Therefore, I would suggest and even challenge all of our ministers to publicly endorse and advertise for our denominational ministries.
How does your organization uniquely live out the mission and values of the Original Free Will Baptist Denomination?
We simply try to meet the needs of those who are brought to us for help. If we have what they need, we offer it to them. If we don’t have what is needed, we try to find a way to get it. But none of this can happen without our church’s support. We do what we do because the churches send us their support.
If you could spend one hour with any biblical figure (other than Jesus), who would it be and why?
I would have to say Simon Peter. He had unmedicated ADHD and was successful in ministry. I have ADHD and even with medication, sometimes it is very difficult to stay focused, to complete tasks, and see the bigger picture. I know this is not what most people would answer, but I would really like to get to know Peter.
What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone feeling called to ministry?
Run towards the calling and not away from the calling. Learn from Jonah that running from what God wants you to do is never a good idea. God doesn’t change His mind about your calling, He just waits until you get tired and ready to come back home.
Can you share a story about someone whose life has been transformed through your ministry’s work?
Early last year I was going through some of the inventory we had to determine what we really needed and didn’t need. We had two Hoyer lifts. These are those lifts you see in hospital rooms that are used to assist in moving patients from beds to chairs or for other reasons. They look like a big engine lift you would see in a garage. We have no use for them. I am not trained on them and would never loan them out since the risk of injury from their use would harm our ministry. I reached out to Mr. Eddie Sykes of Four Points Medical Supply in Ayden NC. He had worked with this ministry in the past, so I knew he would have a use for them. At the time he didn’t but within a few weeks he received a phone call from a lady who was in dire straits. Her lift had broken, and she couldn’t afford a new one. Medicaid/Medicare wouldn’t buy her a new one for another year, so she had no options. Mr. Sikes remembered that we had one and asked if it was still available. I confirmed that it was, and he came to pick it up and delivered it. Soon after the delivery he called and told me of his experience with this lady, that she was in tears of joy and praising the Lord for answering her prayer. Two weeks after that, it happened again. Almost the exact same scenario. This is how the Lord works in this ministry. He gives to us; we give to His people, and He gives right back.
If you could dream big, what’s your vision for the future of your ministry in the next 5–10 years?
I would love to see this ministry grow to the extent that it becomes a full-time job for the director. But by saying that, this means that people must be hurting or in such great need that they have no other options but to turn to us for help. This is a ministry of Original Free Will Baptist, supported by Original Free Will Baptist, and traditionally offered only to Original Free Will Baptist, but I would love to see us reach out beyond our denomination and try to meet the needs of many others who are hurting or lost and in need of our support.
If you had a theme song for your life (or ministry), what would it be, and why?
“Why Me Lord?” That song speaks volumes to me.
Why me Lord? I am just a nobody trying to be somebody for anybody that will listen to a Gospel message that will save everybody that repents and receives His Grace.
What’s one thing about you that might surprise people—any hidden talents or quirky hobbies?
I often joke and say that my hobbies make me money. Most of my friends in ministry take hobbies that cost them money like fishing, hunting, or golfing. I officiate sports. I am a North Carolina High School certified sports official for volleyball, basketball and softball. I had the honor and privilege of umpiring the 2023 High School Softball State Championship game between Hickory Ridge High School (Harrisburg) and Apex High School, played at Duke University.

If you could only eat one church potluck dish for the rest of your life, what would it be?
I was raised Southern Baptist, and I am now an Ordained Original Free Will Baptist, so how can the answer to that not be Fried Chicken? That’s the only God-approved form of poultry that’s exempt from gluttony.
How can people reach out to you regarding the ministry you represent? How can they find out more about what you offer?
All of our information is listed on the Convention website, or you may call the office by calling the Cross and Crown bookstore, and they will connect you to my office. If you prefer you can direct dial me at: 252-531-4789 or by email: